Saturday 22 March 2014

Gifting a pet!!!

Gifts!!! gifts!!! gifts!!! gifts everywhere!!! When it comes to gifting someone may it be a birthday or an anniversary... or may it be a surprise visit gift!!! Lots of ideas pop in our mind <"pssttt... depending on our budget though"> HaHa :D Some people prefer normal (non-living things) as gifts whereas Some geniuses <"No names in particular!!!"> get extra-ordinary ideas and gift adorable living things <"PETS">

I would say that this fashion of gifting our beloved animal friends has been followed from movies where the hero would gift his beloved girlfriend with a puppy and tada!!! love blossoms.... Only to find that they would have almost forgotten the poor puppy :'( !!! Now! that there's adoption drives everywhere.. People tend to adopt a pet and give that as gift to their <"LOVED"> ones :P 

Okay!!! Lets not brag about the movies anymore... Coming to the point!!! In the first place gifting a pet would look sooo cute initially but as days go on the one who received the pet <"who actually had no idea about pets in the first place"> would start turning bored of their pet... cuz!!! they didn't expect it at all... They may have the pet for few days or weeks but as time passes they may not like it for the following reasons:
  1. They may be allergic to pets
  2. Someone at home maybe allergic to pets
  3. Maybe there's a baby at home
  4. Maybe they have no time for pets
  5. Maybe they are not allowed to have pet at their apartment
  6. Or maybe they don't like U in the first place <" U are an unwanted guest"> :P
  7. Ummm!!!! Go to point No.1
Now more or less closer to the above mentioned reasons at some point of time they will abandon the pet on the road or maybe at an animal shelter <"the reason they tell U is THE PET RAN AWAY!! :'(  but the poor thing wouldn't have known whats going on around them">

So, ultimately what I'm trying to tell via this lengthyyyyy post is that... Please don't gift any animals because if someone wants a pet they would go adopt by themselves and they wouldn't wait for someone to gift them one.. Boys!! it may look very cute and adorable to watch ur girlfriend say AWWWW <3 looking at a puppy but she wouldn't want to grow one!! So try and think of some other nice gifts <"perhaps, U can try gifting her some nice shiny lip gloss or eyeliners :D">

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful information. At Airvets, we provide door to door pet transportation services for your special family member. Call us at (972)591-1342 and let us help you take the stress out of shipping your pets.
